I've been waiting for this Blog Hoppin' Linky all month! So I'm happy to participate on the first link up for Monday:
WHO am I? Let me tell you 10 facts about me! :)
My name is Andrea Ho. This will be my 3rd year teaching Kindergarten.
I teach Kindergarten in a big city in CHINA! Yes, you heard me right, I
said China! This will be my second year teaching overseas and I LOVE
it! I teach in an international school. I am one of two Kindergarten
teachers and this year I have a total of 9 students (lucky me!).
is a picture of my school! I believe the sky background is fake since
I've NEVER seen a clear blue sky like that before... |
I am from the Midwest growing up in the suburbs of Columbus, Ohio and
Chicago, Illinois. What I miss most about the US? Other than the
greenery and blue skies, I miss all the fast food and chain
restaurants. Chic-fil-a, Chipotle, Panera Bread...The list can go on FOREVER!
Other than teaching, I love to dance, listen to music, do yoga, doodle
and create art. Teaching was actually my "fall back" career. When I
was in high school, I wanted to go into interior design or fashion
merchandising, plus be a ballerina.
4. I have been
dating my BF, Kevin, for almost 7 years! Our families call us the
"William and Kate of the Midwest". We met and fell in love in
FaceTiming has been the core of our relationship this past year! Praise The Lord for awesome technology! |
I am also one of the eCoaches at my school. I focus on working with
teachers who have shared iPads in their rooms (age 3 year olds to 2nd
grade students). I love collaborating and sharing ideas with fellow
teachers on technology integration in the classroom! I'm still working
on my post about my shared iPads in kindergarten, but can't wait to
share with you my journey on them!
6. Family: My core
family lives in the US. But I have extended family in Hong Kong and
Australia. I love how close I am to my extended family on this side of
the pond. I'm ever so grateful to get to spend more time with them! It
makes up all the important family holidays I missed growing up in the
7. Shoes- I love shopping for shoes! I was
actually kind of depressed when I made the decided to only bring 15
pairs of shoes to China last year. However, I am so thankful to be a
size 6 and can fit in many of the shoes made here! Anything past size 8
people have a real hard time finding a good pair of shoes.
My favorite kind of work to do at school is decorating bulletin boards
and my classroom and hallway! Here's one of my favorites from last
I love traveling! Just within one year, I've been to 7 new cities
within China and 2 countries, plus going back to the US for Christmas!
Things I love: Coffee, Chai tea, fancy pens esp. Papermate pens, all
genres of music, smiles, shopping, summertime, the beach and sun, and
creating products for my classroom. :)
Don't forget to stop by again tomorrow to check out my classroom! I CANNOT wait to show you my kindergarten classroom!
Click below to see check out the linky party and link up to share WHO you are at Blog Hoppin'!