I like using the class tracker sheets and I highlight the student's scores to see if they performed below, at, or above grade level based on the Student Status Norms from the NWEA MAP website. Also, I put the grade level norms on the top under Fall scores, Winter scores, and Spring scores so I know what the target grade level score is for the trimester. These scores are very important to track because it is part of our teacher evaluations. Here's a closer look on what I do with the class set for the reading and math assessments.
For individual students, I like to give my 4th graders their own MAP progress sheets that they have to track on their own. There is a section on the bottom where they fill out their goals and write their actual scores. On the bar graph, I mark the NORM so they can visually see if they are on grade level.
I print out the parent letter form from the NWEA MAP website but it can be very confusing for many parents to understand all the graphs on that form so I made this supplement form to go with them so parents can see if their child is below, at, or above grade level. I also included the next steps on what their child will do at home and at school to improve their next scores.
I like to give pretty binder covers for my students and also my own teacher data binders so I included them in the product.
Check out this product! It has all the data progress sheets for grades Kindergarten - 11th grade.
Each grade level includes:
- Student data binder cover page
- Student NWEA MAP progress sheet with AT-Level RIT scores marked on bar graphs for each subject.
- Parent guide: What My NWEA MAP Score Means & next steps
- Class data trackers with numbered (1-25) and blank rows
- Class data binder covers with school years (2018-2019, 2019-2020, 2020-2021, 2021-2022)
Click on the pictures to check this out at my TpT store or click here!
If you read all the way down to here, I have a NWEA MAP freebie for you! In my district we have to post how our kids are doing with the reading and math tests each trimester. No student names are attached to the data but it shows where most kids are performing at each trimester. I use it as a reflection tool and talking point with my kids. Click on the picture to download it for free!
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